Availability & booking

7 Nights
2 Persons
No children


7 Nights
2 Persons
No children


What we do?

  • Our solar panels heat the water for the house and keep the swimming pool warm
  • We have two charging point for those guests with electric cars
  • A photovoltaic system on the roof of our building produces a portion of the electrical energy we consume
  • The electricity we buy is provided from renewable sources on a green tariff
  • Our movement sensors optimise power consumption with our lights in common areas
  • All our radiators have thermostats to avoid wasting power
  • Most of our light bulbs are LED to limit our power use
  • We don’t have single use plastic
  • We sell thermos bottle to encourage less reliance on plastic water bottles by the beach
  • Of course, we recycle everything we can
  • We use a refillable bottle system for cleaning products
  • Our default search engine is Ecosia, which finances tree planting around the world
  • We collect rainwater to irrigate the garden
  • So YES, we have a spectacular garden! And green roofs as well, which contribute to maintain our house fresh also during hot months
  • We use FSC® paper for our printed materials and in our offices as well
  • We provide our guests bicycles (also electric). You won’t need the car here in Grado!
  • In collaboration with Treedom, we plant trees to combat climate change
  • We choose to work with ethical businesses that also give back to their community
Hotel Savoy
Via Carducci, 33 - 34073  Grado Phone+39 0431 897111
Airports nearby 23 km from the International Airport of Trieste 126 km from the International Airport of Venice 160 km from the International Airport of Ljubljana
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Hotel Tre Cime
Our hotel-partner- in Sesto
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Opening 2025: from 10th April to 2nd November
We’d love to help you make the most of your time. Feel free to contact us to make a reservation, update an existing one, or accommodate any special requests. 
Simply call us at +39 0431 897111 or write to reservation@hotelsavoy-grado.it